Promoting Interventions to Develop Religous Identity of Secondary School Students
Published: December 31, 2018
Page: 140-146
Adolescence is known as the transition from childhood to adulthood. In this period, the adolescent will experience many changes related to their identities in various domains of life, including the religious domain. This study aims to investigate the profiles of religious identity status of early adolescents. A total of 116 secondary school students participated in this study. Data were collected by using the Scale of Religious Identity Status. The results showed that students’ religious identity status were distributed in four categories: achievement (66%), searching moratorium (23%), foreclosure (10%), and moratorium (1%). Implications for guidance and counseling services in secondary school are discussed to promote the development of religious identity of early adolescents.Keywords
- religious identity
- secondary school
- guidance and counseling
How to Cite
Prawitasari, G., & Suwarjo, S. (2018). Promoting Interventions to Develop Religous Identity of Secondary School Students. COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education, 3(4), 140–146.
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